True Multi Monitor Support in MSFS 2024?

Technically this is the only and best way to do multi monitor setups. Because you can fine tune the lateral and vertical offset.

Yes, I can see that. I never heard of that before, but I wasn’t really “into” flight sims and couldn’t afford multimonitor setups until 2020 and I didn’t get that until I had a system that would run VR. Before that, none of that stuff was in my budget so the idea of it is new to me.

No. @TheBlackWind977 was not aware of the multi-monitor support, it would appear, but I am.

If you have multiple monitors showing DirectX content, not a single window stretched across multiple monitors bonded together as a single virtual display with NVidia Surround, then an FPS limit in NVCP will be divided between them. But if you don’t have your FPS explicitly limited in NVidia Control Panel then that isn’t going to be the issue.

I don’t recognise the FPS counter - can you try with the MSFS Developer Mode FPS display on? It has lots more useful information.

I also see you have frame generation on. That will not work with multiple windows, and it might be contributing to your problem. Are you using the (currently unsupported AFAIK) DLSS4 replacement to activate Multi-Frame Generation?

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I use the latest DLSS 4 files. No Multi Frame Generation since that’s only applicable for the 5xxx series. 4xxx series uses the regular Frame Generation.

The FPS counter you see is Rivatuner Statistics Server.

I haven’t used RTSS for ages. However, the MSFS DevMode FPS display will show you a bunch of useful info about what the various parts of the rendering engine are doing. I’d strongly recommend trying it out and doing some screenshots with it. If nothing else, it’ll tell you why the FPS is limited.

On DLSS4 - when troubleshooting I always assume that anything non-standard should be removed first, so I’d revert back to the sim’s shipping DLSS3 libraries, turn off frame gen, and try again. As mentioned, frame gen will not work across multiple monitors because of the way Asobo has implemented DLSS in the game.

If you still see this behaviour with FG off and DLSS3, then you can continue diagnosing. Perhaps run with TAA and see how that does.

Assuming you have it installed, it would be useful to see your NVidia Control Panel 3D settings for MSFS as well.

Not true, iRacing stretches the screen across all monitors and also gives lateral and vertical control. Asobo just did a terrible job.

iRacing has native triple monitor support where it renders three different screens. That’s different than stretching one view window.

Renders three different screens in one window though

I have realized a strange behaviour yesterday. I was trying to record another video while checking sone performance.

As soon as i turn any on screen display that shows fps, system usage or other metrics my FPS goes 10-15 (even single digits) when i use triples. When I turn metrics ui off it returns back to normal.

I use hwinfo, rivatuner and afterburner to pull metrics and show on screen.
I do not have this issue with single screen.
It may be caused by different resolution as i use 4k on center and 2k on sides.

Just wanted to post here if anyone has similar issues.

@AOZ67 So the same issue as I posted above?
Could be interesting since I’m also using RTSS and HWInfo.

I’ve always had this sort of issue with RTSS when using my triple 4k setup. Most of the time MSFS2020 (or 2024) will crash when I activate on screen display, however in the 10 or 15 seconds it takes to crash, the FPS will plummet to the single digits showing massive timing increases on the GPU.

I’ve no idea why 2024/2024 are so difficult for triple monitor setups. As mentioned up thread, iRacing does it really well.

Best I can suggest is voting for this thread here

Oh yes. Now I recall that I had a similar issue the last time I tried to use RTSS on my multi-display setup. I’m using additional monitors for pop-outs, not outside view multi-window, but I had the same issue.

It’s worth trying with all these tools off and the sim’s FPS display on.

Will try this later today. Keep you posted.

I don’t even want what is under mulit monitor - I simply different controls on a separate monitor. Yes, you can pop out instruments, but what about other controls? Or even just open multiple camera views simultaneously?

All of that comes under the general heading of ‘multi-window’. MSFS only has pop-ups for CoherentGT content, not virtual cockpit content. So there’s no way to make, say, an overhead into a poppable window.

FSX/P3D has exactly that; you can open additional windows, undock them onto other displays, and set them to any view (albeit with a significant performance penalty). Since P3D has full touch support on all windows (where MSFS has none at all), I was able to use this to open a window on another monitor, set it to the ‘virtual cockpit only’ view to save on FPS, and then use Chaseplane cameras to move about between instrument panels and touch-operate the controls. In MSFS I have to use Air Manager to get the equivalent which means I have to find / build Air Manager panels for aircraft that already have perfectly good virtual cockpits.

It all stems from a design decision made a long time ago. An early version of Sublogic Flight Simulator (which is what MS Flight Simulator was developed from) allowed you to have two windows on a single screen, so you could have, say, an outside view and a spot plane view simultaneously. This was improved so you could have as many windows open as you wanted. Then this multi-window feature was used to separate the 2D instrument panel from the outside view, so they could be re-sized and moved individually; this eventually became the ‘pop-up panel’ feature in FSX/P3D where an aircraft developer could provide additional instrument panels as separate 2D windows that could be opened and closed. At some point we gained the ability to undock these windows from the main screen and put them on other monitors.

Everything else stems from that design. All the complex display setups you can build come back to this single original design decision.

When building MSFS 2020, Asobo replaced the (admittedly aging) graphics engine from FSX with an evolution of an in-house engine that did not have the same design, and in so doing they removed all of the flexibility that FSX had, and they don’t seem interested in putting it back in, presumably because most users use a single screen and don’t care about this. If ‘provide all the features FSX has’ has been an MVP goal, we would have had this at launch and we wouldn’t need to have this whole conversation.

Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.


I am going to concur with some of the others here as I am running three monitors plus three other screens for RealSimGear and Air Manager with inferior hardware to what you are running. You probably have some obscure setting off somewhere in the driver or the application. There are enough obscure places to go wrong both places, but it is almost always obvious once you find it!

I realized you have afterburner OSD on and yes i have same problem.

Multi monitor Center 4k + Sides 2k - On Screen Display on FPS is terrible. OSD off FPS is good.

I have 4090 btw, VRAM goes 20+ GB, watch for that one too.

I sim now i with different setup, with my desktop set like this in the pictures

The laptop (3) i can place any where on the desk as long as i put it above 1 and 2

The laptop i added because windows 11 does not align the monitors and since i use
Windowed mode for the sim only one which i stretch on monitors 1 and 2
I see in window 2 the coloured boundairy for this windowed mode ( it is simply not desired)
So i added the laptop (runs windows 10 home verion)connected through home network and connect through wireless screenconnection ( find it under install add optional part ) to raise my screen height so bassically overscan it is not that much lifted, but it works

I Also expand my desktop as one screen this is very important also if you should work with multiwindow.

Fps yes low but smooth, and fps is not low because of to many screens in use .
No it is low because of the size i run it in.
And intresting is i can lower primary or renderscaling down to what ever size and image is still sharp while sim runs very smooth, whatever wind or shear blows on my plane,
Airliners or GA what ever i fly
I can even change planes during flight with aircraft selector in sdk no problems it just
Continues flight.

Now i could rezise the window to let say 640x320 or so and yws fps rise up to 60 fps all green
But my monitors are max 60 Mhz so i see my pc want to give more but is restricted by my monitors Mhz

Fun part of the laptop i can drag and drop efb or pfd etc undockable parts there at no cost,

Also i can oversize the window and downscale, which i basically do and have no borders or tearing on the edges

So low fps i do not mind, for this sim does not work the way we see it . it works different
with lots of possibilities.
My sim this evening, on screen size 5562x1068 and post render 3893x740 while it renders at 5256x1010

All settings at T lod 400 and O Lod 200 ( I could even up more in usercfg )
All ultra wheƕe possible and if not on high, cubemap 512 in settings

Also i zoom in to 89% overall and translate the cockpit backwards / forward and sideways
Increase and decrease height
Now because of the zoom i set my devices les responsive to give some weight to the yoke device.

I find in this way it is very clear and sharp looking with very smooth performance
Even when fps are below 20

Now, there is true multi-monitor support for MSFS2024 in Immersive LCD PRO.

  • Streamed VFS aircraft
  • 100% accurate geometrical correction
  • Bezel correction
  • Eypoint position
  • True cockpit removal
  • Automatic MSFS views and airplane configuration

Check this out:

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Yes, I was aware of Fly-Elise NG’s experimental support for blended projector displays in 2020, and while I haven’t used Immersive LCD PRO I was an Immersive Display PRO customer for many years for the blended multi-projector display system that I used to have in P3D. It’s great that they’ve pushed the boundaries of what’s possible, and worked out the best support for 2024 that they can, given the state of the sim.

I’d be very interested to see peoples’ results with this - in terms of stuff that people have complained about for eyepoint positioning and cockpit removal etc - compared to the un-enhanced multi-window support. But let’s be clear: this is not adding any extra features to the sim. This is automating the process of configuring and using the multi-window support already in the sim. At a minimum license cost of 150EUR, it’s quite a significant investment for those who just want decent but basic triple monitor support. For someone like me, who is building an entire physical cockpit setup and is spending a ton of money anyway, it’s easier to justify.

Microsoft / Asobo still needs to improve this feature. A lot. Many people want multi-monitor on an otherwise desktop-only sim setup. There’s no excuse for not doing a better job for this group, other than ‘we just don’t think you’re important enough to spend our limited resources on’, and that sucks.

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