Hi everyone, i have already submit a ticket but no one in zendesk find the solution, i have a crash to desktop (in safe mode and normal mode) since the last update for xbox (1 month), I have never been able to play this game (in online mode) again since. This is strange, because offline it’s work but not online.
I waited for this update but it was useless. This is my error message :
Nom de l’application défaillante FlightSimulator.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x00000000
Nom du module défaillant : ucrtbase.dll, version : 10.0.19041.789, horodatage : 0x2bd748bf
Code d’exception : 0xc0000409
Décalage d’erreur : 0x000000000007286e
ID du processus défaillant : 0x9de4
Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01d7a4a15b6b8dbd
Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\FlightSimulator.exe
Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll
ID de rapport : 5542386d-0e78-4ee9-88f5-e1b889839341
Nom complet du package défaillant :
ID de l’application relative au package défaillant :
And here the message from Zendesk :
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Flight Simulator Support today. I see where MSFS2020 is crashing due to: Nom du module défaillant : ucrtbase.dll
Note - we are currently looking into an issue just as you described where the crash only occurs while online.
I have had no answer since. I try to
Change the language settings to eng US
Uninstall Win updates
Update the drivers
Reinstall all the C-runtime libraries
Fix the registers
update ftom Win10 20H2 to 21H1
disable all tiers app
authorize in firewall
reinstall the game 4 times with NTFS disk
i also tried to check every update on all my software include steam, nvidia, microsoft, xbox,
i tried to restore steam cloud save
i tried to disable all sound device / drivers
i tried to disconnect all my joysticks, screen, disk and i tried to reinstall my windows
Thanks for you help
By the way, any chance to have payback ? some players massive request to move things ?
I cannot find the link, but disabling audio services and other running (background-)applications like nahimic, discord, msi afterburner may also be worth giving a shot.
I don’t have a solution, but to comment; you actually get a “safe mode” option when you ctd! That’s further than I have ever come… I get the blue bar at the bottom, and then it crashes. Same DLL as you mention is what I got.
Not been able to fly for a month… It’s frustrating.
I have exactly the same problem since the UPDATE 5 .
I tried on my old computer, same problem, and now it’s the same on my new computer with : RTX 3080ti / Ryzen 9 5900x / 32 go ram 3200 mhz / MSI MPG X570 pro gaming carbon wifi.
I tried everything and nothing happens, so i think the problem it’s may be with the WINDOWS store … may be or corruption with my Microsoft account, cause i can download easily the game but during the starting page the game crash all the time.
Mod edit: This post was moved here from another topic.
Hello guys,
first sorry for my english, i’m french so i will do my best
So, i cannot play the game since the UPDATE 5, and now with the 6 it’s the same the game crash during the mid loading. I’m thinking we have a problem to communicate with windows microsoft to authenticate our account.
My tweak is to start the game, when you have the UPDATE CHECK disconnect your ethernet cable … and start the game OFFLINE, and in my case, the MFS2020 loading normaly and i can see the menu.
Now you can connect your ethernet and the game will connect with the server … .
I don’t know why but with this process it works for me .
I hope your fix is permanent, but in the case your CTD returns, I’ll fill you in on what I had. I was getting several CTDs over the last three weeks or so. I could simply move a screen within MSFS and both my monitors would go blank, and eventually the PC would reboot. I have an RTX 3070 myself, and I went on a google witch hunt. I found that the latest driver (471.96) is apparently causing some havoc with the RTX 3070’s (and who knows, maybe other cards as well). I backed off to 471.41 as a test and I have not had a CTD in the last three days or so. And that sound you hear is me knocking wood.
I just tried disconnecting from internet, start the sim and… WOW! It works! It actually loads.
But the instant I connect to internet again, crash to desktop. So… where’s the problem really?
Is it some corrupted cloud data? Can I reset/delete this? Is it something else the sim is downloading and can’t handle?
I don’t even know at this point, I don’t even have any saved data when I start the sim and I still crash, I legit think this is some sort of authentication error.
If you have steam e.g. this is how other people solved issues with cloud data:
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