Seeing planes without landing gear in VR up until you get real close…
I have noticed that too…
Sometimes planes seem to be floating with no landing gear down but when I get closer, the gear appears. Sometimes the plane is still floating and sometimes the gear is on the ground. I wonder if the Altimeter barometric setting has not been set for the local area sometimes. In any case, when the A/C is on the ground, it needs to be ON the ground.
Loss of ATC voice
Oh, and awful approach vectors. I’ve been brought down to 2500 ft for a landing at EGMC, 40 miles out.
Having your aircraft shoved violently downward before a mountain runway, and if you managed to save it and avoid slamming into the terrain ahead of the runway, this is followed by an overexaggerated float / ground effect once over the ground. Makes landing on mountainous runways almost impossible.
Maybe that’s related to the detail rendering distance? (I forget what you call that adjustment.)
I’m pretty sure it is. I have noticed this too and I’m not using VR (XSX simmer here).
Yep, it’s detail rendering distance, but it’s not adjustable in any way. LOD slider does nothing. Same reason why windsocks are invisible until youre 500ft over them. In VR you can turn your head a little and they will appear since youre moving the ‘render distance flat plane’
Yeah, a joke…
That is interesting… Never considered render distance… Obviously, I should have.
I am on a PC. Wondering if this render distance is different on a Xbox ?
I see the flight controls being blocked by the right mouse button has been dismissed as ‘partially resolved’. Except the ailerons and elevators are acknowledged to still be blocked - basically the only two things that really matter with this bug.
It was introduced in SU5 with game controller support for XBox.
Issue was improved but not completely resolved - most plane controls should now stay available while in cursor mode for a second peripherals, with the exception of Elevator and Aileron controls.
As those are mapped to the same axis than cursor control on gamepad (LStick), we have no easy way to free them for another controller. Will potentially revisit this in the future.
A basic feature you need (to be able to fly, and look around) has been broken since SU5, because of XBox support.
To me that’s not really acceptable.
How could control bindings that I don’t even have be a conflict?!
Also, as this bug does not apply to the external view of the aircraft (you can still change your view AND operate the controls), perhaps a solution lies there.
There IS an easy solution if, as they say, it is the gamepad mapping is conflicting however. A simple toggle option would overcome it instantly.
Do you wish to use a gamepad? No. Done…
If you use one, well then perhaps this will continue for the time being for you.
How many more years now will we wait until they revisit this issue?
Unfortunately, I feel, that any new topics regarding this will, I would say, just be merged into the main thread.
To answer the Question.
Not being able to see friends in a Group.
Kills the game for me. We always end up binning it off to get stuck in mud playing SnowRunner…
I don’t get why it is so hard to make people in your group a priority.
It’s infuriating
Interesting… I have not fiddled with group stuff yet. I should have already gotten into it and invited a few friends to join in. I’ll have to start messing with it and see how it works. Thanks for the reminder !
Two things:
I agree. If the presence of a gamepad causes the problem, then toggle it off. However, that would beg the question of why do other controller combo’s not cause this? What if I install a gamepad controller simply to fly the drone/external camera view and no association with an actual aircraft’s controls?
Re: “Easy” fixes:
A quote I remember - I think it was on a FlightGear forum - that went something like this:
The first comment for that video says it all:
“The reason the aircraft was able to stay airborne was due to the fact that the airframe was balanced out by the pilot’s enormous balls of steel.”
Can you use middle mouse to toggle free look instead? I didn’t even know you could hold right mouse to look around tbh. I use my joystick POV hat or middle mouse button.
Unfortunately it’s not that reliable on my mouse. But every other game/sim I play uses right mouse button to pan the view (or move the whole eyepoint). It’s just the natural thing to use.
Any side buttons? I understand you’re used to right mouse, but if it’s killing the game for you then I’d recommend a switch up. It doesn’t take long to get used to new controls.
Yeah I’ve learned to live with it for now. I tried other buttons but always went back to the RMB even with the bug. Thanks for the suggestion.
But it’s really something that should be resolved - I should be able to change or remove any gamepad assignments if that’s the real issue.
Again, it all works fine from the external view.
All good. And yes it needs to be fixed.
mainthread and manipulators going crazy randomly dropping your fps over time…
still happens in SU12 on a pretty high-end X3D setup.
One of the things I like about my Saitek (Logitech) X52 controller is the generous number of buttons and axes on the two halves of the controller set.
There are very few things that I might want to do where I have to take my hands off the controls.
When I do, (to change camera view for example), it’s extremely disruptive, especially if flying in anything other than pristine weather in a plane on autopilot.
What I would like to see is some kind of “mode” switching capability as the X52 has a rotary “mode” switch. The ability to set an “and” correspondence between the mode switch and another control, (button or axis), would be excellent.