For me a flaw is no tower view, fly bye view and replay needs work too something close to XP standards would be much appreciated.
Stock airports in the night are a laugh and a half.
Seems to be lots of missing bridge spans and sometimes we see cars travel on the water between the missing bridge spans. Appears to have been this way since the initial release of MSFS 2020. I suspect these flaws will never get fixed now.
IIRC something is supposed to be done about bridges in the upcoming SU13.
Ooh, I hope so. I recently flew around St. Louis and the bridges by the Arch were just awful.
I sure hope so too… I am sick of missing bridge spans and cars driving on the water between the missing spans. That mess has been there since MSFS2020 was released.
I seem to remember Jorg enthusing about some sort of bridges update in one of the recent live Q&A sessions.
Still pretty much empty skies and empty seas. And some sort of model matching, at least the correct type.
I agree, Model matching is AWFUL ! Actually, it is somewhat NON-EXISTENT
Pretty sick of seeing Airliners labeled as FA18’s .
Doubt we will see much change with model matching in 2024.
I don’t fly online much, but I have tried this recent tool (for PC users) and it seems to clean up a lot of those issues. And it’s configurable.
Thank you for that tip. Hopefully this add on will be easy to install and configure. Currently I have NOTHING in my community folder. I will admit that the model matching in the core sim is awful…
Really hoping they would address that problem before the sim gets old and starts growing mold.
Then again, we could sit back and concentrate on enjoying what we have, appreciating the progress that we’ve made so far.
There’s really a lot to appreciate here if you look for it.
Not the point.
If someone sells you a car that only works some of the time, and not as advertised at that, would you just be thankful that it’s not a donkey cart?
Exactly the point.
Many, if not most, of the gripes here are about things that, though not perfect, are so advanced over everything that’s come before, and represents such a significant technological advancement, that these things are neither unusual nor unexpected.
Yes, there are things that can be improved. That goes without saying.
I paid less than $100 USD for the premium deluxe version that I bought and I’ve received a seemingly endless supply of updates and scenery upgrades. The available add-ons, both free and paid, is a cornucopia of blessings that have been rained down upon us. Though some are worse than others, they are still a manifest blessing for all of us - none of this is simple, there’s a lot of effort that goes into it.
As I see it, the glass is either half empty or half full. My glass is half full and if you believe you’ve been cheated, you should vote with your feet.
Me? While you folks are getting your blood pressure all wound up, I’m going to sit back and enjoy the sim.
It’s possible that there’s a third option, which is that things can be both good and bad, and that it’s relevant to address both, including the bad things without sweeping them under the rug.
I entirely agree and there are certain issues that drive me batty! The current implementation of bridges, for example, is jarring to say the least.
The lack of accurate imaging in many areas, (it being out-of-date, or just not there), is another pet peeve.
However, (IMHO), there is a wide gulf between “I’d really like to see better bridges”, or “Can we do the Crimea better?”, and “This blinking program is a piece of junk and we got cheated!!!”
Yes, if I fly the Astro One down the streets of Paris at ground level, the building facades are a bit warped, and no I cannot see bunches of flowers in the windows or clothing out on clotheslines.
People complain about CTD’s, but aside from complaining, is anyone trying to figure out WHY they’re getting all these CTD’s? I, personally, cannot remember the last time I saw a CTD. In fact, I’ve seen many more CTD’s in X-plane, both 11 and 12, than I’ve seen in MSFS.
Many people run MSFS using advanced rigs, multiple displays, fully modeled cockpits, and enough bells, whistles, and add-ons to bring any sane system to its knees. However, no CTD’s.
Some people have overheating problems with their Xboxes, but not everyone. Why? It’s easier to blame the software than to find the real cause.
I had graphical problems when I updated my graphics card and I (eventually) traced it to overheating on the graphics card. The solution? Change the fan settings so that the fan is always at 50% up until about 60° C, then it climbs to 100% by 70° C. The result? My graphics card is cool as a cucumber and everyone is happy.
I understand and appreciate that people have pet peeves that they’d like to see fixed.
I don’t understand the whole “This game is a piece of [curse-words]!!!” If that’s how you feel, why are you still here?
I do. Sometimes people are effected by bugs, while others not. Sometimes people have addon problems, not knowing how to resolve. Or even problems with their machines (If PC) When things work right. It’s the greatest thing ever. But then that perfect bug hits, and it’s a load of trash. I have a love/hate view on MSFS myself. There are people that have purchased, and struggled to install, struggled to launch it. Many variables
Maybe that’s not how people feel? Maybe they’re just letting out frustration.
Much better for ones mental health to let it all out, instead of bottling things up and going slowly nuts.
According to my cat
I have great good fun flying this sim. I love it.
But just because one loves something does not mean it’s above criticism where criticism is due.