What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Flew the fs studios Embraer 190 from Rochester (NY) to Boston (MA)


Spent the afternoon flying in and out of Candonian Lodge, a bush strip in Oregon. It’s third-party scenery by TokenB, and I think it’s rather good:

But it’s not just the bush strip itself. As estate agents say, location, location, location. That,s Mount Hood in the distance…

… and that’s Mount Hood a bit closer…

… and, of course, other mountains are available…

I found the strip to be great fun, but it’s not without its flaws.

It’s on a lake (The Lost Lake, it’s called, a resort location where presumably the Lost Boys go on their holidays) and there is a water runway, but it renders* as a second land runway, and if you spawn in on the hot starts, you end up back on the actual land runway. But you can spawn in cold and dark on the lake on the runway’s parking spots, so that’s good.

Also, I’d like to have seen a proper slipway between land and lake. I did manage to get ashore, but it was a bumpy business.

But what if the bush strip doesn’t actually have a slipway? Well, there’s the third thing, It doesn’t have a slipway because it doesn’t really have anything - it’s entirely fictional (well, not entirely, the Lost Lake is real).

I’m not mad keen on having fictional airfields in my inventory, but I’m not dogmatic about it: I’ve got a couple of helicopter training airfields, and a third-party non-existent airstrip in the far north-west of Scotland in lieu of two helipads which should be there and aren’t.

So, since I enjoyed this one a good deal, I’ll probably keep it.

*I should have added, in the World Map.


Not sure where to fly, but with today’s update I decided to do the Vegas Strip

I think it’s cool that the sphere is animated, plus the water sprouts too (sorry if it has a name). I think it would be cool if they animated the Niagara Falls, but at the same time I know that would take a lot of data.

Not the first time I flew the strip, I remember doing it last year on Sept 7th in the Volocopter and landing at Flamingo and Koval … IYKYK


Boston (MA) to Charlotte (NC) in the fs studios Embraer 190

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Pee-Wee says: I hopped into my favorite Jack Tar Phantom and burned the sagebrush around southern California before finding my way to “Star Wars Canyon” near Death Valley. You can read about it at our Pee-Wee and Nag’s Skytours (and Other Thoughts) thread.

Be still me beating heart! :heart_eyes:

I wonder what the name of that red hill is?

You’re welcome, Los Angeles.

No need to ask directions. I’ve gotchya! :wink:

Who needs R2?

Dropping in like Tony Hawk.

Transonic over the Valley of Death.


Quick, late afternoon hop from Long Beach to Ramona. That hazy low cloudiness mixed with the setting sun made it hard to see the runway at Ramona, and I did not tell BATC that I had the runway in sight. So, BATC made me go around and vectored me for a second go. It was cool, but the second time, even though I could not see the runway, I said I did, and I was vectored all the way down. Was very pleased, and was even welcomed to Ramona… Truth be known, I benefitted from that go around, go the bearings for a good approach. Ramona is surrounded by hills, hills, hills…


Like about 1m others… :grin:


Island hopping in the morning from Mattituck to Groton with three touch-and-goes on the way


Loving the microlight there…which one is it?

Went on with my “let’s-see-where-we-end-up” journey in the Vision Jet from Skopje (LWSK) to Burgas (LBBG) in VR using BeyondATC:

I decided not to record the whole flight, but the final approach and landing was captured still:


Yesterday: VFR from Monterey, CA to Sacramento, CA in the Hype Performance Group H160 helicopter. Super high tech avionics (autopilot including auto hover and departure, synthentic vision, multiple map modes, and the PMS GTN750), a fast 150 knot cruise, and a cloudless blue sky on the route.

Today: Nothing yet, but I know I’ll be in the new Taog Huey, maybe exploring the San Fran area with Flightbeam’s new KSFO, as long as the ocean fog isn’t ruining VFR conditions.

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Flew from Charlotte to lake Norman airpark in the Chinook

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Harrier ii from lake Norman airpark to Cumberland regional airport Tennessee

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Sub sonex jx2 from Cumberland to Nashville Tennessee

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Once more in the TBM with Beyond ATC guiding me from EBLG (Liege, Belgium) to LOWL (Linz, Austria).

Quite a long flight compared to what I usually do, but it’s the weekend!

More pictures in here ...

Weather seems good so far, we won’t be going near these showers

Spotted EBST! Close to where I actually live.

Cruising at FL290

Looks like the weather is a little less ideal down there

I was hoping for clear weather at FL290 but no

Ok … I underestimated how long the flight was and I’m getting sleepy :sleeping:
Good thing Beyond ATC woke me up!

I’m surprised seeing rain at -10°C was expecting icing

And here we are! Another flawlessly guided flight by Beyond ATC.


I was flying a very pleasant flight from Vegas to Seattle setting off just after dawn, clear skies and enjoying the view over the Rockies. I hadn’t taken any pics.

At about half way there were some minor pressurisation issues, my A320-200 was experiencing fluctuations in cabin pressure which were not normal. I investigated but they were not serious so we carried on for some time at FL380.

Then there was a sudden loss of pressure. Oxygen masks on, dial the altitude knob down, open descent, full speedbrakes. OK we are descending, dial the speed up to maximum to increase the descent rate, declare emergency, and check our descent altitude. We are over the rockies and the terrain display says 14,000 ft tops so 15,000 is our base for now.

BATC was very unhelpful, refused to acknowledge our emergency nor a mayday. Eventually I told it I was ready for descent, then it played along.

At 15,000 ft now and the cabin pressure is maintaining about 10,000 ft so not a total pressure loss and this is OK for our passengers. I checked and they all seemed pretty relaxed, one of them was still playing on his Nintendo Switch.

Not too far from Seattle, so we stepped down to 10,000 ft as terrain allowed and then flew a normal approach and landing.

All passengers safely deboarded. The plane has been handed over to maintenance because we were unable to figure out the cause during the flight.


Nashville Tennessee to Charlotte North Carolina in the ATR 42 600

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Making progress in my Rotterdam to Antarctica and back Worldflight.This time i passed Australia and Asia


Taog’s Bell UH-1H


So I was sitting on the runway over in Madagascar minding my own business when I got jumped by four flightless birds, when I came to we were in the air. The flightless birds were at the helm and the animal friends have taken over the rest of the plane

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