I just bought the scenery pack for St. Martin, and Grand Case, and wanted to try out the M20R here.
I have Live players only, Live weather turned on.
The 530 is showing 2-4kts:
The windsock would seem to reflect this:
What is not clear in this shot are the trees behind the still, and upright, palm trees, which are being blown around like a hurricane is hitting them. The sea is equally perturbed:
Some of the trees are moving so much they are horizontal!
I had just taken off. and was looking out my left wing to take some shots of the wind, when my aircraft just updended, like someone had grabbed a hold of it, and thrown it to the ground!
The only time I’ve seen weather this bad was when I manually set up 150kt winds, and even then it was somewhat controllable as long as you were head on to it!
Can’t reconcile what I see with what the 530 is showing.
I used slew mode to raise myself up to around 5000ft, and the air was smooth.
As I descended through 1000ft back, wind speed rapidly picked up, and at around 800ft I saw this:
At 700ft:
The bursts now make it uncontrollable. Using slew mode to lower a bit further, and at 200ft its back to normal:
I think live weather is slightly broken here!
Just got cleared to land at Grand Case…how about no!
I did manage to land, by using slew to get below this high speed wind layer of about 500ft, and as I taxied the trees stopped freaking out, and weather returned to normal.
I think someone rebooted something just then.