Ref: The topic at
I decided to start this thread to discuss my adventures with MSFS-2024. It is entirely possible that it will overlap with content on other threads describing other peoples experience with MSFS-2024. This is intentional as I want to describe MY experiences with the sim on MY machine and setup.
I’ve read a lot of people’s comments which seem to range from “It walks on water and talks to the angels” all the way to “It’s a piece of GAGH!, turned my PC into a smoking ruin, and was released five years too early!!!”
Since this represents an extremely broad range of user experiences, (and as a former software QA analyst who has seen just about everything), “my curiosity was riz”, as they used to say. So, I bought it to see for myself.
I started this thread because I want to record MY specific system’s configuration, MY setup options, resulting in MY unique experience so that others can compare their systems, configurations, and experiences with mine. Maybe that will help others get more out of the sim than they have in the past and maybe it will help to improve my own user experience with MSFS-2024.
I am going to break this into multiple parts, (starting with my system’s configuration), so that it doesn’t turn into an on-line novella.
Enjoy and feel free to comment!