Where are the contrails?

Hi everyone, the simulator is spectacular but something important to me is missing.
The CONTRAILS… Where are the contrails???
Hope you will implement them very soon.



In the last Livestream, they said they are working on it. :smiley:


They are still working on the particle system. So expect them after that is done ’


They are comming. No worries.
Devs are working on more effects.
Contrails, water splash, tire smoke etc…


ah so that’s why there’s no splashing during water landings…
Also would be nice if water on the ground from rain would interact with the plane and the air from the engines and stuff. That would look pretty ■■■■ amazing :stuck_out_tongue:


They’ll be coming soon - the entire effects system is being worked on as stated in the last Q&A twitch stream. That also includes effects like tire smoke.

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They will come they are already listed in the game files.

I am especially looking forward to tire smoke!


Surely you can’t be serious… (“I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley…”)

I’m flying a B747-8 at ~30k feet just south of SLC, and zero contrails coming out of the backs of the 4 jet engines. Even FS 8 and 9 could do this.

Were they purposely removed to keep the " ‘chem trail’ conspiracy theorists" quiet?

The effects system isn’t in the sim yet yet, its supposed to be coming at some point in the future.

Basically we’ve paid full price for a piece of software that is unfinished. We should have been able to pay part now, and part when it’s actually ready!


Check the wish list board, there are a couple threads regarding contrails, vapor effects and such with quite a few votes here:
Realistic Vapor/Condensation effects

And here:
Particle effects (contrails, etc.) with mentioned node-based particles

Thank you for the reply and verification that I’m not going clinically insane.

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There will always be unhappy people …
If you read the forum carefully and do your research before asking the questions, you will notice that the topic is covered in several topics.
Special effects such as trails are in the works, and planned in a future update, as are the seasons, various weather fixes etc.

While contrails, dust and tyre smoke etc. are perhaps nice effects to have bringing a small element of immersion they just that nice effects, they don’t actually make a significant difference like say the weather or even the clouds/water which are much more in your face as it were.

If I were really concerned about all the bells and whistles being available before I bought the game/sim i would have waited. But what I wanted was to get my grubby little mitts on the sim to experience a new level of flight sim with some pretty impressive innovative features. I can wait for the contrails. :wink:


In Xplane buddy! :wink:

Good job we don’t apply the same logic to buying a car for instance. I’ll pay full price but I won’t get the seats until a month later… and the windscreen wipers the month after that. But I still have to pay full price now! I’m alright with it, I’m happily doing VFR stuff, just I am surprised at the unfinished-ness of the product. Anyway, I’m looking forward to all the updates that come along.


Are you referring to me when you say there will always be unhappy people?
I’m not unhappy, just wanted to clarify that I wasn’t missing something. Am I not allowed to ask a question without an insinuation that I’m somehow ungrateful or unappreciative?
Gee wiz … lay the F off.

And as far as doing my research before asking a question… I had the sim in active pause, was managing autopilot, all the whilst having two other windows open. It was easier to ask a question than typing in a search, seeing if it had already been answered.
Some people ask questions to be social… it isn’t just about information gleaning. I have a special place in my pet peeve department for the “Google’s your friend, look it up yourself” or “Check the search bar before asking questions” crowd.

Do note that some kind people were simply able to answer the question without having to get all hissy and bring my methodology into the subject.

My brain, my fingers, my computer, my wifi, my router, my membership to the website— and if I want to ask a question instead of using the search bar… MY PREROGATIVE!

Try looking that up in a search bar buddy. Betcha’ won’t find it. So see? It’s okay to ask questions. :sunglasses:


I think he was referring to me! It’s ok, I can take it! I am not unhappy, I’m happy to have the sim, but a little disappointed there are so many things unfinished.


Okay, i can see there is work to be done on all the effects, but did anyone notice, the wind direction in the sim is affecting the aircraft speed in the wrong direction? If i have the wind in my face shouldn’t it be my KIAS stay the same, but the GS knots are less in stead of more? Has anyone seen the the tarmac signs for the taxiways? Is there 1 real pilot in the group that really says decimal in ATC in both frequency as pressure ? Does any real pilot say feet after altitude ? Also, why can we not access the nearest airport list, when there is ATC voice? I think the team was in a hurry to release the sim while it was still not finished, hope they will fix it all soon. I’ve got a feeling , with all the GIGABYTES we’ve all received lately, that the team doesn’t really understand what pilots need, nice site seeing is just a part of the sim, but not the most preferred, when the plane i want to fly doesn’t act like a real plane, i lose my interest in the sim and will step back to the sim that does a much better job in flying itself, X-plane 11.