X-Plane 11.50 Final Vulkan just released

Yes, but it will only help. As better GFX cards come out over time, you will no longer be GPU limited. When the 3090 comes out, Vulkan may be the difference between an Ultra VR experience at hi-res or an ugly one at low-res.

The FPS display shows us if we are rather Mainthread or GPU limited
Mine shows me I’m rather GPU limited most of the time, I was “badly” guessing the 1080Ti would be way enough … time to change my mind, though I will not get any budget for a long time, as High-End GPU are on High price when they are newly released on the market, so rather perhaps … time to wait, at least for me :unamused:

Hardly something to write home about that big long paragraph of ranting have you seen how many bugs ! But yet you come to a MSFS group to rant about xplane 11

Known bugs

  • First load time with Metal and Vulkan will be surprisingly slow. This is lots of shaders/pipelines compiling for the first time; subsequent runs will be faster.
  • XPD-7871 Dark contrails instead of white.
  • XPD-8162 Ocean tiles loading slowly & appear to be missing entirely in scenery.
  • XPD-9234 Flickering cloud shadows on the ground.
  • XPD-9388 Software hangs upon exit when using VR.
  • XPD-9729 Contrails and wing condensation missing in replay.
  • XPD-10506 First run shader creation is super slow.
  • XPD-10616 Water reflection off if wave height is non zero.
  • XPD-10617 CTD when using “regenerate icons for current aircraft (and livery).
  • XPD-10653 ‘Heat’ turbulence in front of engine.
  • XPD-10690 Blue geometric shapes that appear when scenery is missing.
  • XPD-10709, XPD-10868 Plugin OpenGL drawing artifacts under Windows with Vulkan on AMD GPUs.
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Not surprised you haven’t seen a boost as you have a 7600k paired with a 2070super.You will probably see a boost on much modern cpu with at least 6 cores.
I run a 2060super with an i5 8400 and the difference between opengl and vulkan is night and day.

Your post have 0 impact on priority, priority can work with vote, the topic name have nothing to do with MSFS forum, added to this, conversation is deviated as always off topic.

Code of conduct rule, search using the tool (near your avatar logo) before posting:

6 DX12 thread
Next Gen! But why not DX12?
When dx12, dlss and vrs?
DirectX !2
DirectX 12
Another reason why DLSS and DX12 is a must

These DX12 thread have vote active, people can vote.
166 votes
DirectX 12
4 votes
When dx12, dlss and vrs?
20 votes
DirectX !2

There is no need to open new thread on DX12, vote on existent thread that have vote is the real solution “DirectX 12

As listed above there are existing threads to discuss DX12 and MSFS. Feel free to create a wishlist thread for Vulcan. However as per the Code of Conduct:

:small_blue_diamond: Advertising
This forum is not to be used for advertising non beneficial, non-Microsoft Flight Simulator related businesses, organizations, or websites.

a thread discussing X-plane is not really why this forum exists, as excellent a product as X-plane is to many simmers.

Feel free to keep discussions relevant to this forum and in the appropriate threads.

Onwards and upwards!