I am trying to use the c172 with analog instruments to stay consistent with my irl flight training, but I only see a glass cockpit version.
The analogue variant was only available via the Deluxe or Premium version of the sim. You can upgrade but I hear it makes it quite an expensive path to getting that version. Maybe if you have not owned it too long you could ask for a refund and buy the higher version?
P.S. if you do upgrade, you should also grab the WB Sim enhancement for that aircraft, and the Boris Audio Works sound pack. Transforms it!
Good recommendation from Baracus250 . You can also review those posts:
I seem hopelessly confused about which MSFS Version should support the C172 Steam Gauge.
I purchased the Xbox Series X Deluxe (not Premium Deluxe) version because I “thought” it contained the C172 Steam Gauge version. I saw it checked off on the Deluxe and Premium Deluxe charts of which planes were in what versions.
I sure don’t see it in my airplane list… only the “G1000” version… unless I’m somehow missing it?
Was it maybe in the Deluxe Version at one time but is it no longer? Do I need t…
OK, call me old, call me a curmudgeon, but I do not like glass cockpits! Does anyone know of a good 172/182 with all steam gauges and the old fashion autopilot? Actually, I would be interested in just about any make or model GA aircraft that meets these criteria. Suggestions are welcome and thanks a lot!
Has any third party dev announced a study level 172 yet for MSFS?
I had the REP add-on in X-Plane and really enjoyed it.
I made a mistake, I see a review video of the 172SP with both WBSim enhancement and Boris sound works sound, it looks great, so I bought the two addons.
Just Flight warning about the C172 but, I read it too fast (I’m not english) and miss the information about the version of the 172 needed : that’s the classic version, not the G1000, and my version of MSFS give me only the G1000.
So I would like to buy the C172SP classic, but I can’t find it, could you give me a link where to do it ?
I can’t find it for the C172 classic.
Where is it?
December 25, 2023, 4:05am
on sale from Just Flight!
25% OFF over Christmas
So true! My favorite plane for months now.