Discussion + Poll: World Update VI (

The graphics pre-cache slider is indeed only for 2D, but it’s been confirmed that in the userconfig. file there is a setting for this in VR as well, it just didn’t make it’s way to the on-screen menu in the VR graphics area…so some users have changed the setting in that userconfig. file from 0 to 1 to activate the new caching option and set it to ‘3’ to make it Ultra…I haven’t seen them report back yet on the in-sim results of this but it’s promising as a workaround. Also, the forum manager acknowledged this question about the lack of a menu option for VR and passed it along to MS/Asobo. If it’s indeed in the code and we can work around it that’s great, but how does something like this escape the QA process when that graphics feature (presumably for 2D and VR) was talked about publicly so much.