VR users still second class citizens

Indeed, I’ve posted this lately:

Some of these are small QoL additions which aren’t taking a lot of coding time either.

A few examples:

1- [BUG] FS2020 using 3D cockpit camera in VR - wrong horizontal plane rotation (ex: FBW A320, SALTY 747, ASOBO 787, SDK SAMPLE)

Just ignore any PBH values set in cameras.cfg when in VR mode… simple as that.

I’m wondering how this bug slipped through QA because as soon as you try any of these in VR you can’t ignore the entire world is slanted beneath your feet. It is a very visible and nausea inducing (or at least discomforting) bug for a VR game

2- Cockpit Size and World Scale in VR

→ add a UI slider
→ use the value to offset/change both eyes projection matrices.

NB: SteamVR has added this a couple months ago but this works only with the SteamVR compositor.

3- https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/feature-request-can-you-please-add-a-sun-glasses-mode-not-a-joke/347556

→ Add an event you can key/controller bind (eventually add a UI toggle somewhere)
→ option 1: adjust the Tone Mapper to -1 stop (or -2 stops)
→ option 2: render a glass material quad right in front of each 3D camera filling the entire view (see this experiment for screenshots)

NB: advantage of option 2 is that if the glass material is in the “Official\materials” lib, users could mod the tint and strength themselves via a community mod.

4- Increase distance threshold to see other aircraft navigation and strobe lights at night

→ change the current threshold at which aircraft lights are no longer displaying (currently about 5nm).
→ if this implies having to also draw models farther away, then don’t draw the models, just their lights.

PS: I’m not lecturing anyone with the aforementioned fixes, but from a programming perspective these aren’t disruptive to the existing code base much, and are easy and fast to implement (at least since January 2021…)