Anbody has workaround for this issue happens to handcarftered airports as i dont any payware scenery installed.
Tried with empty community folder still this happens
same here have to reboot to slove issue
You mean PC reboot.? this never happen prior to sim update 6 after world update everything was running fine
Its used to load within 1 or 2 mins at the most
I have FBW only in community folder
Same issue here man
narrowed down now as its s definitely sim issue
Running in safe mode as this disables community folders so there are no conflits
No activity in task manager
I had this in LEMD, I believe the issue is related to addons not being yet updated. I could fly TO LEMD though, but some parts of the terrain were weird around the airport.
I removed LVFR’s LEMD airport from the time being and am using Asobo’s instead.
I dont have any addons still its happens!!
Then it has to be an issue not yet identified as you said, this will need to get patched.
The difficult part is it is not always reproducible, sometimes the airport loads just fine and other times you get stuck.
yep, the same thing right here …
Excatly some airports load some don’t even some discovery flights are not loading for example paris new york
Just testedd them in safe mode same issue!!
Just when you think nothing could be worse than CTD, Asobo introduces a new feature called “Stuck in the loading screen” that is far worse than CTD …Isn’t it beautiful?
Has happened a few times with me, thought it was maybe a server issue.
Waited 10 mins to spawn into Heathrow… Got fed up waiting, so Ctrl/Alt/Del - end task. Rebooted PC, tried the same thing again, and got into Heathrow in a min or so.
Yesterday evening I had exactly the same problem. Very long loading time to reach even the start menu. Then selecting FbW A320N, and starting airport ESNS (Orbx), and then click FLY. Then the loading screen again took about 15 minutes (maybe more) and CTD.
Tried it over and over again, but only got long loading screens…
Gosh I hope they can fix this one, once you get in it’s really nice but the constant ctrl/alt/delete reboot is getting old
My problems only went away when I did a complete (from scratch) reinstall. These failures to load into flights have to be reported through the normal channels.
Oh no say it isn’t so . A complete reinstall?
No need to be so dramatic, the issue is indeed real but has only affected me in 2 flights out of 13-14, so it is not suuuper widespread.
I am sure Asobo will patch it soon, SU6 was amazing, if this is the only inconvenience we get I sign it.
How many GB files do you have in your community folder?
Mine is about 700 GB
hundreds of payware airports and other stuff, so you can’t care as much as I do because you using autogen airports and sceneries, that’s why ur not impacted that much…
I am using 250Gb in addons, and I thought that was a lot, did you buy the entire marketplace? xD
I get them from the sim market …