Graphics look washed out and awful

since the update and the last hotfix my graphics are absolutely shocking, everything looks shabby, grainy, washed out and seems very bright, anyone else having the same problems?.

I believe they mentioned this will be resolved in the second hotfix.

If you actually had cared to search the forum first… ah, never mind :slight_smile:


Yea, it’s not always easy to find what you’re looking for, but for this one you wouldn’t even need the search tool. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Better bright and washed out, instead of dull and dingy like Ex-Plane IMO.

I run Xplane too, and I have to say at the moment with Reshade running it looks a lot better that MSFS!, lets hope the next hotfix will put these issues to bed.

I agree, as long as you use the correct and most suitable LUT setting. This will depend on the monitor calibration etc.

Sorry but what is LUT?

Look Up Texture I believe

“Look Up Table” actually, but close :smiley:


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