In your \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache folder, there should be a file called exe.xml. If not, create one. (This is the folder that has UserCfg.opt, manualcache.ccc.)
unfortunately, we cannot interact with everything as there is only so many variables available to read out. If that changes in the future, we will expand functionality.
This just a comment but the acceleration bug is very random for me, I can fly say the 172 and its 10s and 1000s, then immediately after the next flight is 1s and 100 so go figure.
For me also it can differ between flights. Normally the regular 10 degree bug is in place in my C172 (steam gauge version), but sometimes when starting a new flight, it will have the normal 1 degree steps when turning the knob on the Bravo
ok thanks, at least it confirms that it basically should work. Maybe a broken device. But given the time it took to be delivered I’ll just live with it…
They’re not “all” working, there is still no support for master caution and master warning, and I think a couple of the other as well. X-plane has no problem driving these when u get a warning or caution or both .