Hi guys, I created a couple of bug reports over the last couple of days based on the discussions in this thread. If you have anything to add, feel free to comment:
I find most if not all MSFS planes very sensitive and “twitchy” on the controls, especially the rudder. On bigger aircraft the lack of inertia is very apparent, especially in turbulence and gusts. It doesn’t feel like there is much mass going down that flight path. In real life, when there are so many metric tons moving along a flight path, its not gonna instantly react to control inputs, turbulence or gusts and change flightpath due to its inertia. I’m not a developer by any means so I have no …
Weather Menu
There are a couple of problems concerning the way Asobo has approached the calculation of surface winds. I’m not talking about live weather here, the manual weather system is working very odd with regard to winds. Although you can see the wind layer is labelled WIND - ground in the examples below, the wind entered is NOT actually the ground wind. Turns out MSFS uses the wind you punch in as the geostrophic wind (wind above the friction layer) and modifies it to produce a ground wind…
Crash Course in Propeller Aerodynamics
Concerning the last Developer Q&A, I’m not entirely sure the developers understand the problem of “missing propeller drag” in the sim. Seb was talking about drag from internal engine components instead of aerodynamic propeller drag. In all fairness, the drag of internal engine components had an effect on propeller windmilling speed and therefore aerodynamic drag produced by the propeller. I’m not a developer to be clear but I doubt this is the real problem…
In all the cases below:
All assistance settings OFF,
Flight model set to modern,
ISA conditions,
No wind.
CG on AFT limit.
Full Stall in Clean Configuration
The stall characteristics are still broken, you can still stall the Cessna 172, power off, keep the yoke all the way back and steer using ailerons. You could rock the wings using FULL aileron deflection without dropping a wing! When adding the slightest bit of power the aircraft starts to roll to the left, which I assume is supposed to …
I will be less active in the foreseeing future as I’m currently running a project to set something up for the airline I’m working for. All the best!