Only for Windows 11 Insiders - Performance?

Hello to all!

I am a Windows 11 Insider and I use the Beta version of the operating system.
Since update build about a month ago, VR is completely unplayable! The overall fps with my HP Reverb G2 are pretty good, can touch on high altitude 50fps in mix Ultra and High settings. The problem is that every time I pan my head to left or to the right I get a one second pause and a black artifact on the side. Something is broken and I already report it in the Hub Feedback but till now the situation is always the same, no updates at all.

Does anybody of you ( Windows 11 Beta program) have the same problem as well?

Thanks in advance!

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There was an article just recently that the latest dev build was killing gamming for alot of people. Maybe your one of them. It wouldnt be the 1st time that MS has done this. So you might want to do a little snooping and see if you can find the article to see which build was affected, and then maybe rollback?

yes, had same issue. Had to get out of Beta and revert to the regular version to get the performance back

Thanks for your comment! :slight_smile:

I found the post: Windows 11 Beta evaluation build 22581, interesting results for CPU performance - Community Support / Hardware and Peripherals - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

So I am not completely alone…
The problem is that I can’t roll back now, need to wait for the next official public release hoping to be the good one!

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Thanks and is nice to know that the regular version gives back the old and good performance.

Take care!

Well you have to do what I did, install a 2nd copy of windows that isnt in the program so you have a reliable system to fall back on. Thats what I did here win 11 , win 10 , and linux just for good measure, I even got MSFS running under linux/steam using proton, I just have to configure the X56 to see how bad it is . NP


Another thread tracking this issue here: Windows 11 Insider Preview Dev : Bad performance for MSFS in VR - Community Support / Hardware and Peripherals - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


Great and thanks!!!

Since SU9 if I try to run other programs like a browser or win explorer or anything FS will freeze. Not immediately but eventually. All I have to do is start task manager and then cancel and then click on FS and FS will start back up.

It’s kind of like FS cannot multi-task with other programs.

Anybody else?

Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 22H2
Installed on 4/‎26/‎2022
OS build 226.16.100

Yes I’m having the same, normal have MobiFlight, Voice Attact and Edge browser in the background

I always had this problem in the past, is not only SU9 unfortunately and the solution is the same as yours with the task manager! :slight_smile:

I don’t think it’s caused by SU9 of MSFS, I guess it’s caused by the lower layer of 22H2 architecture update. Reverted to 21H2/ which running MSFS almost flawlessly despite MSFS SU9 or not.

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, 64GB RAM, RTX 3090, with all latest drivers.

Runs much better on windows 10 nothing but problems with windows 11 :muscle::muscle:

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Here the only diff between 10/11 when its working correctly is 2 fps lower on the win 10 side…

For anyone experiencing this same issue with VR performance, please upvote the bug I created so that we can raise the visibility: Poor VR performance on Windows 11 22H2 - Bug Reports / Virtual Reality (VR) - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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Did it and thanks for the initiative!

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Running well (not the smoothest as I hope we’d get with DLSS) but no issues with Win 11 insider program. Actually runs better than before in my case. Also with realtraffic software active

Thanks for your comment, so, you’re in the Insider Beta or Dev program and you have no issues in VR mode?

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That’s correct, I’m in the insider program with no issues in either 2D and VR

What build are you on?