In the latter part of 2022 we started our airline pilot career with VAC ( ) flying the CRJ for Jazz.
We had given FlightExec our notice and flew the CJ4 into CYKZ for the final time last week.
We didn’t waste anytime loading up the 310 and heading back north for home (CYTS).
And upon landing, we hit our 600 HRS goal.
After unloading and a quick Thanksgiving meal we headed East to Montreal.
It was nice to get some color below us as we left the Boreal forest and into the fall color producing trees.
With our last promotion we are now starting to train in the Airbus A-320.
Allot to learn before we’re ready to start moving passengers but very much looking forward to it. We have a bit of downtime before the training starts so taking the family on vacation in the 414 that we picked up while working in Alaska
We’ve spent the past month flying Cargo ops in Alaska which you can read all about here…
And as I was flying in and out of Juneau the past couple of days, I saw this plane parked with a For Sale sign on it.
Flysimwares C414AW Chancellor.
Was able to track down the owner and check it out.
For the past while, the family and I have been cruising around in the C310R
However, I’ve been looki…
As we’re currently on vacation from the Airline
We flew the FlightExec CJ4 from Toronto to Anchorage to complete some Cargo contracts.
We will be flying the DHC6 (Twin Otter) as well as the Kodiak-100 Series II cargo variants around various parts of Alaska (Primarily).
Alaska Mesh
Northern Sky Studio;
More to come soon!
We’ve wrapped up our A320 training and are ready to start flying passengers out of CYYZ!
Night Ops training!
Our first flight with passengers was from YYZ to YHZ and we had some special guests (friends and family) onboard.
And before long we were on final!
And since then, we’ve been knocking off all the Air Canada (ACA) Mainline routes out of CYYZ and CYOW.
And just one of the perks of moving up to Mainline over Regional (Jazz). Hot destinations!
Regardless of the airframe, the sunrises are always beautiful!
SamScene3D Toronto looking great!
VATSIM + AIG Model Matching makes for an awesome airport experience!
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Miami & Fort Lauderdale night lighting bringing the city to life!
And GSX helps bring the airplane to life!
And once in awhile, in a small airport like KDEN (heavy sarcasm) it’s hard to find an empty stand, so someone parks inside your cabin.
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And with this mornings flight from CYOW to CYVR we broke the 900 hour mark!
We also hit the 10,000 PAX mark for the VA!
We’ve put many more miles and hours behind the A320 since the last post, hitting every destination out of YYZ.
It was around this moment, I found the “save uncompressed” option for Screenshots in the Steam client. So going forward, much nicer quality.
And GSX just takes the Pre and Post flight to another level.
Anyone have any orders coming into YYZ on April 10th? They arrived safely!
Love the longer range over the regional CRJ and being able to hit the islands.
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Somedays I spend more time doing pre and post flight then in the air en route, but I love it.