
You might want to follow the other links in the OP for this!

Really needed for SU5!

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I could not agree more for a pair of sunglasses in VR.
Today, it struck me as I was doing a VR flight with my 8KX in the TBM930 with the mixMugz mod that just released for SU5 and which allows you to use the sun visors and lower them in front of your eyes.
It was a bright hazy sunny day with few clouds going from KJAC to KBZN, extremely bright day where everything in the distance was mixed together, clouds, sky, mountains appeared as one big washed out white mass, which I think is the way it would look in real conditions.
I lowered the sun visor that was in front of me, and everything came to life, I could suddenly see those beautiful clouds in all their glory, the amazing details in the mountains, everything felt right as if I was wearing real sunglasses. It was a really cool effect.
I think, in my humble opinion, that the rendering engine is working well and gives us an accurate representation of what the real lighting should be, and as in the real life it would be impossible to fly without sunglasses on a bright day.
So please Asobo, give us a pair of digital sunglasses to fly in your beautiful simulator :sunglasses:


Indeed, there isn’t much needed to make ligthing in VR better…

… with a working pair of sun glasses:

I just advertised this post in some Discord channels, hopefully will get more votes.
I think as a first step, if we can get a simple sun glasses mod as good as the sun visor in the TBM930, it would be a great win. I am not sure if the rendering of the sun visor is the most accurate it can be, I thought the effect was very cool, but also felt a bit much at the same time, I felt I was loosing too much of the haze effect. But who am I, I am just talking out of my ***.
Can’t wait for it to be implemented.


I got sunglasses and I didn’t even ask for them! Sorry if it’s not exactly on topic… :upside_down_face:

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Really need a sunglasses option still.

Many planes which have foldable sun visors also aren’t in very usable places. For example the SWS Quest Kodiak: The visor is so high you have to raise your seat way up to even use it.

And then stuff like the DC-6 you don’t have any kind of sun visor at all, or the default planes where they exist but you can’t fold them down.

It’s pretty frustrating. This is a sorely needed feature.

Real pilots wear them…

and virtual pilots wear them too …

so why we have still to see something like this?

msfs 2020 VR pilot

Please, sunglasses, please!


How are you seeing that when I see this:

So all the real world pilots wear them just for being well dressed, looking smart and cool?


whats your choice?

It is for safetey and eye protection, not for an cover photo in a magazine.

In VR the brightness is really stressful.

No, you see my way you simulate sunglasses all the time, sun is manageable, and IMHO is closer to the real thing that I see when looking in the direction of the sun IRL. Thats all.

In all honesty, I used to see exactly what you are depicting here, and with the help of the forums, have found a way to over correct the oversaturated brightness. Just using 10 bit color makes a world of difference.

I feel all planes need the default Longitude’s window tint.
Makes things look much better and darker.

Which way? There is no brightness option in VR.

You dont have a Nvidia control panel that you can use to set colors for your video card. You set that stuff in their for 2d monitors, I dont know why VR would be any different.

Unfortunately this filters (reshade, nvidia freestyle and so on) does’nt work in VR. Thats the bitter reality.

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My retinas would really appreciate sunglasses in VR.

You guys want a real brain twister?

1.) While in VR, enter Drone View (insert key).
2.) While in Drone view, use Crtl+F2/F3 to decrease/increase exposure (F4 to reset).
3.) Sit there scratching your head pondering why on gods green earth they don’t expose this setting outside of drone view (maybe there’s a technical reason… IDK)

On a positive note, the next release of the OpenXR Toolkit will have brightness/contrast/per-channel saturation settings! It wont solve the “over exposure”, but it will certainly help the eye-watering brightness and the saturation will help bring back some of the washed out colors. I know this because I’ve been beta testing it for the past few weeks.


The new OpenXR Toolkit has 3 “sun glasses”, including one for night time! All of them hand-crafted carefully by OP @CptLucky8!

Check it out here:


I too have made wish list posts for Sunglasses. But not just any Sunglasses. :slight_smile:

The BELL and HOWELL TAC Sunglasses! As seen on TV!

Perhaps call them up and ask them to be a 3D Party SPONSER to fund them for the Marketplace.

Ok so that’s mostly just a joke…but one that does have laughingly, monetization potential.

No matter who makes them, A (few) Sunglasses visualization options would be fantastic, please.

aside: Other types of training overlays and visualization options would be nice.

airspace class

Sunglasses mode is desperately needed. I have to do most of my flying with thick overhead clouds because no matter which direction I am flying or what time of day (not at night) one or more of my three monitors is generally too washed out to see anything.