Support smaller minimum text size or re-add support for Interface Scale setting

In MSFS2024, Accessibility > User interface and font, the Minimum Text Size I can set is 18, which is too big for me. Can we have support for smaller values please?

edit: It seems the minimum size was also 18 in 2020. However, there we had the Accessibility > Interface Scale option which allowed the size to be reduced.


Agree. The minimum text size is still too big, I sit a couple of feet in front of my monitor, I don’t need to be able to read it from the other side of the room.

I’m at the smallest setting yet can only see six aircraft in the selection screen at any one time.

As a consequence, aircraft names are truncated, the overlay windows on the map take up too much space and numerous other things that could be alleviated by simply allowing a smaller minimum font size and scaling things appropriately.


There is a discussion about this here:

The problem appears to be that the Interface Scale parameter that was in:
MSFS 2020 Settings > General > Accessibility > User Inteface
has been removed. Without that, text on large TVs/Monitors Such as my HiSense 55" 4K TV cannot be reduced in size.

This causes the various scaling issues that have been mentioned in this & other posts.

It also affects other Microsft Apps like the various Game Bar pages, which display at very large sizes, sometimes covering ~50% of the screen (e.g. the settings page").



Description of the issue:
The minimum size of the UI is too large, i think smaller font sizes should be allowed. The enormous menu bar popping in every time you move the mouse is a big unnecessary distraction.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue? No mods. Yes still experiencing


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)? Always


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Open any Menu and the UI is too large


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.


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This is not considered a bug, as it functions as designed.
A Wishlist Request is more suitable for this type of change.

It could be a bug because scaling is missing in the menu setings. UI Scaling is in the Accessibility.spb file but maybe there is a bug somewhere.


Yes it is a bug. How do you explain this ?


FYI, see:



FYI this issue is now feedback-logged. See:


Absolutely agree. It’s just horrible the way it is.
With any form of programming I have ever done, it is so simple to allow for a choice of font size or scale.
Let us drop down to 8 instead of 18 if we want and we can decide if it’s too small.
We are not all playing on an XBox sitting near the opposite wall to our screens.
Please guys, we call this Microsoft Flight SIMULATOR , must it look like an arcade game?

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It’s not the minimum text size is the problem, it’s the lack of a UI scaling control.
The minimum font size is the same as 2020, but for some reason they removed all the other 2020 UI controls including the most useful, the scaling control.

I’m still scratching my head over this one, and that’s on top of some of the other design/testing zingers.

They have a misplaced obsessiveness with console first fixed screen design, as if the sole user of MSFS is someone sitting on a couch 15ft away from a massive TV screen, completely ignoring basic UX design tenants of user diversity, responsive design, and user customization.


The same basic issue is present in VR when you enable tooltips. Very huge compared to MSFS 2020.

Yes, the ability to scale the UI would be great. I’m sure a lot of players these days are using large screens or TVs where such size isn’t needed. The menus take up too much space on the screen.


Where is this file located? Maybe we can edit the setting inside the file, since its not showing in the menu.

The ATC text is also huge if opened on a secondary monitor.

[cyg] (2.4 KB)

Rename the file without the .pln so you have a zip. I suggest to not go lower then 70% as it can mess things up. And set it back to 100 before you remove the mod.

Scaling is pretty poor due to not implemented fully yet by Asobo.


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
• i have the same I run 3 4k screens only to have one of them covered in text. I also dont need the gamer tag displaying in coms

I use the 2024 in VR with approx. 2700x2400 per eye. The font size of the tool tip texts is catastrophic. They could also have only 30-50%. But no… you can’t set less than 18…

I don’t understand why this gets so few votes. Using the builtin ATC is a real PITA as you only see 4 items in a list of 10 and have to scroll, which is quite impossible while flying a helicopter (no hand free!).