I’ve assembled a list of the various button and axises assignment numbers here as a helpful reference for setting up your preferred key mapping. Both Xbox and PC are provided as they are different. PC users get the added benefit of assigning functions to the Xbox Home & Share buttons.
Note: A second throttle quadrant can be ganged to the first to provide the option for Speed Brakes, Throttle 1, Throttle 2, Throttle 3, Throttle 4, and Flaps to be used all at once, in addition to the additional quadrant’s buttons & knobs. I’m planning to add this to my setup and will update this when I am able to acquire the additional quadrant. As of this writing, they are temporarily unavailable to purchase independently of the yoke pack.
As always, I recommend treating the left & right triggers as two independent “Shift” keys to allow you assign four different maps to each of the buttons.
- Left Thumb
- Left Trigger + Left Thumb
- Right Trigger + Left Thumb
- Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Left Thumb
I’ve also included the axises for both the TFRP or TPR pedals, which can be utilized on either PC or Xbox. Note for Xbox, the TPR pedals must be plugged into the USB-A connector hidden behind a rubber cover on the back of the quadrant and, as of this writing, can only work with an Xbox if paired with the Boeing Edition yoke pack. The TFRP need to be plugged into the RJ45 jack on the back of the yoke or quadrant. PC users can also setup their equipment this way to have all of these peripherals plug into their PC via a single USB port, which is a nice bonus.
PC users note that the throttle quadrant axises have a 5% dead zone set by default. This will show up as a dead spot in the throttle axises at the mid-way point. Set it to 0% and the axises will perform as they should.
I’m going to post these as two individual posts to make it easier to bookmark the appropriate platform.
If you find any errors, let me know and I’ll update the post(s) promptly.
EDIT: I have updated the assignments to include a second quadrant for 3&4 for both Xbox & and PC.