Thrustmaster TCA Yoke Pack Boeing Edition Button Assignments

I’ve assembled a list of the various button and axises assignment numbers here as a helpful reference for setting up your preferred key mapping. Both Xbox and PC are provided as they are different. PC users get the added benefit of assigning functions to the Xbox Home & Share buttons.

Note: A second throttle quadrant can be ganged to the first to provide the option for Speed Brakes, Throttle 1, Throttle 2, Throttle 3, Throttle 4, and Flaps to be used all at once, in addition to the additional quadrant’s buttons & knobs. I’m planning to add this to my setup and will update this when I am able to acquire the additional quadrant. As of this writing, they are temporarily unavailable to purchase independently of the yoke pack.

As always, I recommend treating the left & right triggers as two independent “Shift” keys to allow you assign four different maps to each of the buttons.

  1. Left Thumb
  2. Left Trigger + Left Thumb
  3. Right Trigger + Left Thumb
  4. Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Left Thumb

I’ve also included the axises for both the TFRP or TPR pedals, which can be utilized on either PC or Xbox. Note for Xbox, the TPR pedals must be plugged into the USB-A connector hidden behind a rubber cover on the back of the quadrant and, as of this writing, can only work with an Xbox if paired with the Boeing Edition yoke pack. The TFRP need to be plugged into the RJ45 jack on the back of the yoke or quadrant. PC users can also setup their equipment this way to have all of these peripherals plug into their PC via a single USB port, which is a nice bonus.

PC users note that the throttle quadrant axises have a 5% dead zone set by default. This will show up as a dead spot in the throttle axises at the mid-way point. Set it to 0% and the axises will perform as they should.

I’m going to post these as two individual posts to make it easier to bookmark the appropriate platform.

If you find any errors, let me know and I’ll update the post(s) promptly.


EDIT: I have updated the assignments to include a second quadrant for 3&4 for both Xbox & and PC.



• Left trigger: Joystick Button 9
• Left thumb button: Joystick Button 5
• Left “hat” (Note, for the first 4 either one of these assignments or both together can be used)
• Joystick POV up + Joystick Button 11
• Joystick POV down + Joystick Button 13
• Joystick POV left + Joystick Button 14
• Joystick POV right + Joystick Button 12
• Joystick POV up_left
• Joystick POV up_right
• Joystick POV down_left
• Joystick POV down_right
• X up: Joystick Button 3
• X down: Joystick Button 15
• Y up: Joystick Button 4
• Y down: Joystick Button 16
• View: Joystick Button 7
• Share: Cannot be assigned
• Menu: Joystick Button 8
• Xbox home: Cannot be assigned
• Gear up/down: Joystick Button 20
• Left base slider: Joystick L-Axis 5
• Right base slider: Joystick L-Axis 10
• Right trigger: Joystick Button 10
• Right thumb: Joystick Button 6
• Right “hat”:
• Left/Right: Joystick L-Axis 8
• Up/Down: Joystick L-Axis 9
• Right “hat” click: Joystick Button 19
• A left: Joystick Button 1
• A right: Joystick Button 17
• B left: Joystick Button 2
• B right: Joystick Button 18

Throttle Quadrant 1&2:
• Left axis: Joystick L-Axis 1
• Center axis: Joystick L-Axis 11
• Right axis: Joystick L-Axis 12
• Left throttle reverse switch: Joystick Button 24
• Center throttle reverse switch: Joystick Button 25
• Right throttle reverse switch: Joystick Button 26
• Left throttle side button: Joystick Button 21
• Center throttle side button: Joystick Button 22
• Right throttle side button: Joystick Button 23
• Top left: Joystick Button 27
• Top center: Joystick Button 28
• Top right: Joystick Button 29
• Bottom left: Joystick Button 30
• Bottom right: Joystick Button 31
• IAS/MACH: Joystick Button 32
• HDG/TRK: Joystick Button 33
• Altitude: Joystick Button 34
• SEL rotate anti-clockwise: Joystick Button 35
• SEL rotate clockwise: Joystick Button 36
• SEL push: Joystick Button 37

Throttle Quadrant 3&4:

• Left axis: Joystick L-Axis 13
• Center axis: Joystick L-Axis 14
• Right axis: Joystick L-Axis 15
• Left throttle reverse switch: Joystick Button 41
• Center throttle reverse switch: Joystick Button 42
• Right throttle reverse switch: Joystick Button 43
• Left throttle side button: Joystick Button 38
• Center throttle side button: Joystick Button 39
• Right throttle side button: Joystick Button 40
• Top left: Joystick Button 44
• Top center: Joystick Button 45
• Top right: Joystick Button 46
• Bottom left: Joystick Button 47
• Bottom right: Joystick Button 48
• IAS/MACH: Joystick Button 49
• HDG/TRK: Joystick Button 50
• Altitude: Joystick Button 51
• SEL rotate anti-clockwise: Joystick Button 52
• SEL rotate clockwise: Joystick Button 53
• SEL push: Joystick Button 54

TFRP or TPR pedals connected:
• Rudder: Joystick L-Axis 2
• Left Brake: Joystick L-Axis 3
• Right Brake: Joystick L-Axis 4



• Left trigger: 1
• Left thumb button: 2
• Left “hat”:
• POV up
• POV down
• POV left
• POV right
• POV up left
• POV up right
• POV down left
• POV down right
• X up: 3
• X down: 4
• Y up: 5
• Y down: 6
• View: 16
• Share: 15
• Menu: 14
• Xbox home: 17
• Gear up/down: 18
• Left base slider: Joystick R-Axis Z
• Right base slider: Joystick L-Axis Z
• Right trigger: 12
• Right thumb: 11
• Right “hat”: Joystick R-Axis X
• Rick “hat” push button: 13
• A left: 7
• A right: 8
• B left: 9
• B right: 10

Throttle: 1&2 or 3&4
• Left axis: Joystick R-Axis X
• Center axis: Joystick R-Axis Y
• Right axis: Joystick R-Axis Z
• Left throttle reverse switch: 4
• Center throttle reverse switch: 5
• Right throttle reverse switch: 6
• Left throttle side button: 1
• Center throttle side button: 2
• Right throttle side button: 3
• Top left: 7
• Top center: 8
• Top right: 9
• Bottom left: 10
• Bottom right: 11
• IAS/MACH: 12
• HDG/TRK: 13
• Altitude: 14
• SEL rotate anti-clockwise: 15
• SEL rotate clockwise: 16
• SEL push: 17

TFRP or TPR Pedals
• Rudder: Joystick L-Axis Z
• Left Brake: Joystick Axis X
• Right Brake: Joystick L-Axis Y


When checking the throttle on the Dreamliner (waiting for the PMDG Boeing 737 ) I encountered a problem with the Sel knob. When Used on Alt it worked up en down. Turning Sel with pointer on Hdg then turning Sel up changes ALT and turning sel down changes HDG. On IAS nothing changes. Could you tell me if you experience the same thing and how are your knobs programmed.

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Lucky you, you’ve got the second quadrant. I cannot locate one anywhere (other than overpriced) and even Thrustmaster doesn’t have it listed in their shop as a separate item, however their website does.

Anyhow, I cannot test the Dreamliner, because I only have the Standard Edition of Flight Simulator.

However, as I understand it, the 747 and 787 are supposed to have identical autopilot control schemes.

Is the issue you are having also occurring on the 747? I use it on the 747 without issue.

In either case, these are the assigned controls to the three-way knob:
• IAS/MACH: Instruments and Systems—>Flight Instruments—>Select Airspeed Bug
• HDG/TRK: Instruments and Systems—>Flight Instruments—>Select Heading Bug
• ALTITUDE: Instruments and Systems—>Flight Instruments—>Select Altitude Bug

And the assigned setting to clockwise/anti-clockwise on the SEL knob:
• Clockwise: Miscellaneous—>Plus
• Anti-clockwise: Miscellaneous—>Minus

If that is how yours are set and there is only an issue with the 787, then perhaps it is with the aircraft’s model itself.

However, if you do find the control mapping is not right, you should be able to check and/or reassign the buttons and knobs as you wish.

There is a trick to programming the three-way selector knob, however, when assigning it a key map.
The trick is:
• Preset the three-way knob to a neighboring setting
• Click “Start Scanning”
• Turn the three-way knob to the setting you want
• Turn the three-way knob away from the setting
• Click validate

For example, you want to assign a control to IAS/MACH. Point it to HDG/TRK first. In Control Options, locate the desired control you wish to map it to. Click “Start Scannng”, point it to IAS/MACH then point it back to HDG/TRK, click validate. That will set it.

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Tnx for the reply. I am aware of this little tricks to assign the controls, thank you anyway. I will check the assignments you noted and compare these with mine. I will do that asap cause I’m simming now with fbw airbus 320nx and disconnect (with usb hub with individual power switches) all other hardware, except the tca stick + quadrant + adon for airbus. For boeing I got the Trustmaster yoke and double quad as you saw. For Cessna 172 and TBA930 I use the (new) boeing yoke, which recently replaced the good old saitek yoke (modified with Bodnar lc-usb 16bit controler with rubber bands), the Bravo throttle from honeycomb and my saitek fip-, multi-, radiopanel which are working excellent with worked with msfs and logitech driver). Have a nice simming time.

I am on Xbox , i do not have these issues. But on the second throttle quadrant i regret that ias hdg alt knob Can’t be linked to others functions than the first.

Nethertheless i have differences in throttles sensitivity. They are not straight equal in power while increasing throttle

Both throttle Quadrant have the same issue…

I have to change settings in the configuration panel at fsms at every launch of the game.
Settings do not stay registered on configuration panel

I will check that (the coupling with the 2nd ias/hdg/alt knob) asap.
The throttle levers bounce a little back when pushed back. I think (looked with a magnifier through the lever split) that it is the wiring inside the handles that are still a bit stiff from being brand new. I have paired them with the rod and forced them back for 2 days. They stay practically on zero now. Don’t know if you can create a dead zone at the beginning of a lever.
Don,'t forget to save your settings.

That seems strange. Are you saying that quadrant 3/4’s knob has the exact same button assignment numbers (32, 33, 34 for Xbox) as quadrant 1/2?

If that is the case wouldn’t they cause a conflict unless both the 1/2 and the 3/4 are set on the same setting? Every time you change one to a different position do you have to move the other one too?

On the PC, you can set the dead zone extremity, which will give you a dead zone at the stops. I haven’t checked this on Xbox.

yes, de numberd are the same, but the switches 12/34 make the difference I suppose. Perhaps the yoke minithrottles interferes?

Thanks, nice to know.

no it’s not not at the beginning of a lever , near middle , and for the beginning i have put some felt pad to have equal low and up position, it’s a good process i have found, clean to look at .

for the settings , they don’t get saved with xbox panel configuration, i hope this will be fix

I’m a newbie in understanding all this with just 2 months’ simming experience, so please bear with me for this stupid question.

I am an Xbox user and had a look at OP’s list of the various button and axises assignment numbers for the Xbox in relation to the Boeing yoke. However, after reading (and re-reading) it through a few times, I’m still stumped! —what does it all mean? I’ve so far been flying using the default Xbox controller and making do with the basic controller keys, mouse and keyboard.

Would really appreciate it if someone could help me understanding this, eg. the joystick button numbers, joystick axis numbers, etc.

Much thanks in advance🙏

Once you get your yoke it will all become clear, grasshopper.

When you are assigning controls to a peripheral, you can go about it a couple of ways.

Method 1:

  1. Click the “Start Scanning” box
  2. Press the button, button combination or move an axis
  3. The button name(s) or axis name will appear in that box
  4. Click “Validate”

Method 2:

  1. Choose the button or axis from the “Select an Input” pop-up menu
  2. Click “Validate”

Method 1 is what you will need to use when doing a combination. e.g. left trigger+right thumb button. The list of button names I compiled will help you with this method to ensure you’ve gotten it right. The left “hat” can be tricky.

The list will, obviously make it really easy when using method 2, since you’ll have the correct name of the button or axis to pick from the list.

The list is also useful when un-assigning default mapping when you’re doing your custom profile or looking for conflicts. It’s perfectly fine to have multiple assignments to a specific button as long as they aren’t active at the same time. You can see how this is right now with your Xbox’s controller. Notice that you have some buttons assigned to multiple functions. An obvious example is the External and Cockpit cameras. Since you can’t be inside and outside at the same time, these controls can share key mapping without issue.

Really appreciate the effort to produce this - thanks you.

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Thank you for elaborating and explaining further.

Let me try working on this when my Yoke arrives. I guess it’ll all make more sense then when it’s all in front of me :slight_smile:

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Hi, I’m new to this type of sim’ing. I’m an older guy with NO xbox experience. I have my PPl and instrument rating even though I haven’t flown in several years. My scan is a little slow lol but that isn’t my problem. My son got me this setup… Thrustmaster boeing yoke and quadrant setup and the Thrustmaster TPR Rudders and the Xbox X with MSFS. I got it set up and and am having an intermittent problem with the rudders just ceasing to function. I might get 1 flight in or 3 flights in and all the sudden the rudders stop functioning. I thought it was tied to the use of the parking brake so i stopped using it and thought I had it figured out… but nope… while it worked last night for a couple flights… today it’s not working. If i reboot the Xbox and go into controls it works… as soon as i go to fly I look down at the rudders and as soon as i start to move it in the plane I get about half a pedal and it stops working. If i go back into controls it won’t work unless I reboot. I have checked all the connections multiple times… any suggestions. I’m frustrated…lol

PS… I rebooted again and the rudders starting working… But the elevator is going bonkers…it never did that before. if you pull back you can get about 1/3 of the way and it will go full nose down then rebound. I am wondering if I should uninstall the whole game and start over.


My best guess is that your Xbox controller is still setup with the Default control mapping.

This means that your controller and your yoke/pedals are conflicting with one another.

Try this: Create a new control mapping profile for the Xbox controller and unmap all of the assignments that are for flight control surfaces and see if that cures the issue.

In my case, I’ve basically setup my Xbox controller to just be used as a “mouse”, a way to move around the cockpit and exterior views, and I’ve remapped many of the buttons to other functions unrelated to controlling the aircraft.

Oh, and by the way, it is absolutely awesome that you’re flying the sim!