Below is a log of all the steps the steps followed at a towered airport, to ensure both a take-off, and landing, are recorded correctly. If one or the other is not, then it is likely you are stuck at one of these steps, and the next did not trigger for some reason.
Cold & Dark.
Choose pushback if wanted.
Request taxi clearance.
Engine started, fuel shut-off valve opened.
Taxi to runway.
Tune to tower.
Request take-off clearance.
Enter runway, and line up.
Entering runway.
Throttle up.
Raise nose and life off.
Stay in line with runway
Complete climb.
Frequency change approved.
This one only seems to appear if you have an actual plan loaded.
Request landing clearance.
Line up.
Follow guidelines, and land.
Reduce speed.
After landing and pulling off the runway.
Clearance granted.
Stop engines.