New Simmers: Introduce Yourself!

Welcome @BigBopper54, @SirColeslaw5042, @Scorch002998, @KathisDave, @TheCapnCrunchy, @Orionator1373, @CaptainTXV8759, @CaptainCh8352, @gilmosworld, and @WarStalker2b.

Wow! we have a lot of new simmers joining this week! A very warm welcome to all of you, and I hope you find these forums informative & helpful.

Depending on what you need assistance with, we have a User Support Hub if you need help from the community, or you can explore the following links to learn more:

This page will show you color-coded categories and sub-categories for each one that you can peruse.

Or you can Direct Message @FlightCrew or @moderators who may be able to direct you where you want to go.

I hope you have great fun flying in MSFS 2020 or 2024 :small_airplane:
The Volunteer Moderator Team