Didn’t say that I don’t have an interest in detailed flight simulation (I fly FBW A320), just that at this stage I expect the game will be broken with updates.
It seems a good pattern to expect.
I also think that improving performance for the sake of sacrificing some fidelity, at this stage, is for me, acceptable.
My hope is that Asobo will find a better way to not have such issues, as it is, agreed, embarrassing.
Do I have confidence this will be soon, no.
Can I justify a company acting this way, no.
That is why I use more x-plane than fs2020.
Is it regrettable, certainly.
My opinion in no way describes other people’s expectations, but I chose not to stress over a game too much, like I used to.
And here we go. Telling people what issues they are or are not allowed to have complaints about.
Yes, if you want to have a reason why every bug doesn’t need to have been fixed by now then I guess there is no problem. So because they hadn’t stated ATC would be fixed by now, we shouldn’t expect it to be? We really shouldn’t expect updates to fix fundamental problems still there after a year? If we do, it’s our problem, not theirs? Even things they state had been fixed in this update, have categorically not been, so these complaints are not non-issues, since if we don’t mention them they quite clearly will have even less chance of ever being dealt with. Programming approaches, still broken despite claims it had been fixed, in fact now extra bugs have been added. Planes not following the flight plan, absurd temperatures. Why should we believe the other things will be fixed when these have not? You’re being rather naive I’d say.
I guess some here believe politicians when they’ve done nothing they said they would, but really, honestly, definitely promise they will if you just elect them again.
It’s on the record MS made Asobo ‘fit it in the box’. There is no conspiracy, this is what has happened. I know some here have trouble accepting they’ve been duped, but we have been, and rolling over and accepting it is not the way we’ll get it fixed.
A simple request would be that we understand compromises had to be made for the Model S/X, but do they understand that on the PC these compromises didn’t have to be made.
I’m not going to help you read a forum, I’ll leave that up to you to decide. Either you want to look at the evidence that many people have presented, or you don’t. There is a search button at the top right.
I appreciate your effort to defend Microsoft and Asobo.
But you are acting funny: you are kinf of asking the users to proove that earth is not flat.
The fact that MFS2020 has been downgraded to fit into Xbox is obvious, please just watch the cloud, the landscape poping, the photogrametry poping up onlt a couple of meters before, the colours which are now washed out.
But forget our discussion, I do not think you will ever come to an agreement with me…
The very very very interesting thing is since the last update Microsoft & Asobo are completely silent. I think it would be very useful to have a Dev Q&A video live in the very short term.
So that they can explain what and why they did it.
As simple as that.
It will cut all the discussions and be a professionnal compant communication.
“We tuned the distances, the draw distances, of objects and the way the LOD’s are being used in order to minimise the number of meshes and textures in memory at the same time.”
no downgrade? thats what asobo stated themselves. They literally tell at the 15th minute mark how they downgraded it, so i dont need no whiteknights telling me “how good it looks”
They are just as white as the new oversaturated whites since the Update.
Just kidding. I genuinely believe that people stating it looks fine for them are not lying in any way. Why should they? My guess is, they were used to play the sim prior to SU5 in lower settings, so they were not able to see the Sim with its full potential. Therefore, saying the Sim hasn’t been downgraded is just as wrong as attacking people who are satisfied with the new Update.