Instrument readability / Cockpit too dark / Eye Adaptation

Hi there,

I feel the dynamic brightness effect of the cockpit is way too strong. If I am looking straight forward,
the surrounding looks nice, but instruments are hard to read due to a low contrast.

Technically this may be correct: Take a picture out of your car, half instruments, half outside
world. On the photo you’ll find your speed indicator is quite dark, due to the bright outside world.
The outside world is much more luminant in absolute brightness, but our eyes adapt very fast and
differences in brightness are less noticeable to the human eye, since the measurement of brightness in
the eye is less linear that a camera can measure it.

So if you use your eyeballs Mk.1, you’ll see the instruments in real life with a higher contrast -
as the dynamic range of our eyes is higher than the cameras one.

In a normal 50/50 view of outside world and instrument panel, the gauges should be clearly
visible and readable. What we are having is the technical adaption of the eye due to the effect
in the sim plus the natural adaption using our eyes.

It would help a lot, if the dynamic brightness level would be adapted, or even better - if the
user would have the ability to adjust this.