I’ve created a mod to improve the fuel mixture simulation for three turbocharged piston airplanes in Microsoft Flight Simulator (Just Flight Turbo Arrow, Carenado Seneca V, and Turbo Bonanza). I originally reported on the mod in the bug thread linked below, but I’m creating a dedicated thread for the mod here to keep the bug report separate.
The fuel mixture lever in turbocharged piston engines in Microsoft Flight Simulator requires leaning with altitude to maintain engine power. This is not true-to-life for a turbocharged engine. Check out the bug thread for lots of additional details about this topic.
While I hope for a bug fix to the core sim, I created a mod to produce more realistic mixture behavior for the three turbocharged planes listed above. I repurposed Working Title’s FADEC code to control the mixture axis. The code will detect the mixture setting from your hardware axis and set the core-sim mixture to an appropriate level based on the plane’s altitude, and the density of air inside the intake manifold. This will allow you to follow the standard operating procedure for a turbocharged engine, which generally involves keeping the mixture at full-rich throughout the climb and leaning after reaching cruising altitude. Here is a link to the Github page for the mod, including installation instructions:
Please note that this is not a simple drag-and-drop community folder mod. It requires editing and/or replacing configuration files for the aircraft. As stated in the included instructions, please back up the original files so you can restore them in case you have a problem. If you do not feel comfortable editing the config files, I do not recommend trying the mod.
KNOWN ISSUES: The mixture lever displayed in the virtual cockpit will not reflect the mixture setting on your hardware axis. The virtual cockpit lever displays the mixture setting in the sim, which the controller code calculates based on your hardware axis position and the density in the intake manifold. At high altitudes, it is quite possible to see the virtual cockpit lever set to 25% mixture while the hardware axis is set to full-rich. This is an artifact of the incorrect mixture logic in the core sim. It is possible to map the virtual cockpit mixture lever to the hardware axis, but this controller currently does not implement that feature.
DEPENDENCIES: This mod requires adding a WASM file to an airplane’s panel folder. In order for MSFS to recognize the new WASM file, the layout.json file for the airplane needs to be updated. I recommend using MSFS Layout Generator to do this. It is a simple app that allows you to drag-and-drop the existing layout.json file to update it once the WASM file is added. You can download the MSFS Layout Generator here: