The Nvidia drivers are stable. Atleast in my case they are not the reason for the CTDs with the error code 0xc0000005 in combination with either the ntdll.dll, clr.dll or ucrtbase.dll.
Currently I´m running 471.96 again since it does not make any different what driver I use.
I tested the version 471.68, 471.41, 471.11, 466.47, 466.11, 461.92 and 461.40 today. No CTD with the renamed Capture One .dll.
All without any driver related crashes like 0xc00000fd codes and some nv or nvmxxx.dll modules involved. Then they also would be random and I would not be able to reproduce them.
Further I can say the stuff like defective RAM, limiting your FPS, OC hardware, too less space on an SSD/pagefile , internet bandwith etc. are not the cause for those reproducable crashes with the the three .dll in my case. The following opinions are my observations and based on my test.
- Defective RAM
Can be ruled out. You can test your RAM and if it does not show any errors its fine. When I installed a old broken 8GB memory module I get some random crashes with a total different error in the windows logs. Those CTD and errors in the logs cant be reproduced with broken memory.
2.FPS limitation
Does not makes a difference. Doesnt matter if I use low end or Ultra settings. Still crashes at the same spots.
3.OC hardware
If you massive do it, it will cause some graphic glichtes and some random crashes due to higher temperature but not with the .dll files. Also it crashes the whole system and not just MSFS. Downclocking the hardware like the GPU by 10-100 Mhz still crashes at the same spots.
- Too less space on the SSD/pagefile
Tested it again with only 600 MB left on the same SSD as MSFS. Does not produce any of the .dll related crashes or any CTD at all. Also I barley get MSFS to use more then 12 GB of RAM in total. If you have over 16GB of RAM the pagefile should not fill up.
5.Bandwith limitation
Just increases the loading times of the scenery and does not create CTD. Limited to 5 Mbits or unlimited still crashes with the same .dll crashes. Rolling cache activated does not make a difference.
So far I would say those ntdll.dll, clr.dll or ucrtbase.dll CTDs in combination with the 0xc0000005 error code is completly on the software side and is not a hardware problem, driver problem or corrupted Windows installation.
Why MSFS loads that Capture One .dll file has not a valid reason in my eyes. Capture One was installed in March 2021 on my system and MSFS did not crash a single time. The crashes started with WU5 and the console release. MSFS seem to load some unrelated .dll files, cant handle it and then crashes since WU5.
The ball is at Asobo to solve the internal code problem.
I would recommend if someone has a CTD will flying in a certain area or starting/loading at an airport, they should check if the CTD always happend on that spot. If you can reproduce it, its some software conflict on your system.