Welcome to the Public Forums!

Hello everyone and welcome to the public community forums for Microsoft Flight Simulator! The forums are your one-stop shop to discussing all things MSFS with your fellow simmers.

Please note that by signing up and participating in our forums, you agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct.

:star: Your Microsoft Community Team:

A link to all our activity can be found by selecting the hamburger menu and selecting Community Posts.

:star: Your Forum Moderators:

Forum Moderators are volunteering their time to help moderate these forums. They are not part of Microsoft or Asobo and do not get paid to moderate. Please treat them with the upmost respect and kindness. <3


:star: Category Moderators:


Think of them as an extension to our team. They are here to support, guide, answer questions, and keep the forums civil and positive. They are enforcers of the Code of Conduct, and are empowered to act on our behalf to keep our posts friendly towards one another and constructive for the MSFS team.

A link to all our activity can be found by selecting the hamburger menu and selecting Moderator Posts.

Q: So, is this where I can submit a bug report?

Here are steps to take to submit a bug report:

1 - Check our Known Issues page

  • Known issues that are impacting the most users are listed here.

2 - Check our Zendesk Article

  • The knowledge base contains many troubleshooting steps and solutions for common issues. Use keywords or search for specific error codes. It’s important to follow each step to successfully solve an issue.

3 - Check the Bug & Issue section of the forum

Please find below the list of official tags we will using from now:

image The team is currenly investigating the situation
image A Community Feedback is logged in our database, and our test team is working to reproduce the issue.
Note: If the feedback is verified as a bug, the thread’s tag will be changed for “Bug logged”

image The issue reported by the community has been successfully reproduced by our test team and turned into an official bug. The bug is now being assigned, prioritized, and worked on for a future fix.

image Unable to reproduce, need further information
image A community-created workaround is available from user experience
image The issue previously reported is now fixed on the current version of the SIM

  • Other Community Members may have experienced similar issue as yours. Search for a thread specific to your issue and contribute by adding relevant information along with your vote.
  • If there’s no existing thread discussing the issue you are experiencing, restore the sim to its Vanilla state then try again. If the issue persists, create a new thread using the template we provided.

4 - Send a support ticket to Zendesk

  • If your new thread didn’t attract too much attention or if the solutions suggested by the Community didn’t help, submit a new request to reach out the support team via Zendesk.

Q: I am a new user/simmer and would love some extra help and guidance in the community. Who could help me?

You can Introduce Yourself here to say hello, and if you have a question one of our Flight Crew, Moderators, or forum members are likely to point you in the right direction.

Q: I’m confused how these forums work, where can I learn how to navigate them?

Check out the Forum Guide for tips and tricks on how to work through the forums.

From the entire Microsoft Flight Simulator Team, we are so excited to have you here. Thank you for believing in us and coming along on this journey. Happy flying!