How to create and share a flight plan using the new Flight Planner tool

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 includes a new web-based companion app from Working Title that allows you to create a flight plan and share it with your friends so you can fly together in multiplayer mode.

To use this tool, open in a web browser on any device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.). The first time you use this site, you will be prompted to login with your Xbox user account (the same account you use to launch Microsoft Flight Simulator and login to these forums).

After logging in, you can begin creating your flight plan. In this example, I’ve created a simple VFR Direct flight from Seattle KSEA to Portland KPDX.

Once you are satisfied with all the details of your plan, click the “Save Flight Plan” button in the bottom left corner of your screen.


Next, give your flight plan a name (in this example, I’ve called it “Seattle to Portland Sample Flight Plan”) then click the “Save new plan” button.

Your flight plan is now saved and can be imported to the EFB in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 on both PC and Xbox!

To share your flight plan with your friends, first click the “Save Flight Plan” button again:


Then, click the “Copy link to share flight plan” button:

This will copy a URL to your clipboard that you can send to your friends. For our Seattle to Portland example, here is the URL: Flight Planner

Anyone clicking this URL will launch the Flight Planner website. They can load your saved plan by clicking the “Load” button:

Once loaded, they must press the “Save Flight Plan” to save your shared plan to their Xbox account.


Now here is where the magic happens. To load the shared flight plan in Microsoft Flight Simualtor 2024 (on both PC and Xbox), start a Free Flight session. From the World Map, open the EFB:

Next, click the “Load Flight Plan” button:

Select the flight plan you wish to load and press the “Load” button. All plans you saved to your account from the Flight Planner website will appear here.

Finally, press both the “File Plan With ATC” and “Send Route To Avionics” buttons:

Close the EFB and see that your flight plan is now fully loaded. When you press the “Start Flight” button to begin your flight, your flight plan will already be setup in the in-sim EFB and any on-board navigation avionics!

Happy flying, and thanks to our friends at Working Title for making this valuable tool for the Microsoft Flight Simulator community! :green_heart: :small_airplane: :airplane:


Very important! Don’t forget to select either IFR or VFR for your flight plan. Ask me how I know LOL! It has been a hectic two weeks. Cheers


The website map at looks like a cartoon with almost no detail. Nothing like the satellite image for the Seatle flight in this example? Am I doing something wrong? I couldn’t find a place to change the map type.

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Hello @Fodre69,

You can change the map type in the top right corner of the screen (“three layers” icon):


I tried all 3 layers. None had any terrain detail to speak of and none of them looked even remotely like a satellite image. :person_shrugging:

This would be great if send to avionics actually worked.


Accessing the far left menu (Aircraft, Route, Options, Save flight plan etc.) is virtually impossible on my iPhone. The pull up bar at the bottom of the page just does not function … managed it once :frowning:

New flight planner is good, I really like it. It very good to have charts. Visually is very good.
I didn’t expected to be this good.
But there are some things that could be better.

When I take suggest a route, route is good, only 1st and final last leg do not have “connection” with SID/STAR. For example, I plan a flight to Belgrade (LYBE), as final leg it shows BEG or SMI, which doesn’t have star. So I need to edit it manually and set as final leg TISAK, ENUPU or any other, so I can choose STAR and remove BEG. This is isn’t big deal, but it would be nice to have no need for manual editing.

Also fuel calculations, when I choose aircraft it would be nice that fuel consumption is auto loaded. Right now it shows 0.

And about loading FP in EFB. It doesn’t shows saved FPs, from web flight planner. I am logged in at web planner and sim with same account. But when I am in sim, it doesn’t shows saved FP in sim. I can save and load them in web planner.

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I think it’s very good, but I’ve found a few flaws:
When I select the plane, I don’t get data like the fuel consumption of that plane.
When I save a flight plan, it doesn’t save the ILS approach I’ve selected, it takes me straight to the runway.
When I load the flight into the avionics, it only loads part of the plan.


Good option, I need to learn it. Thanks for posting!!

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Tried to create a flight plan last night. Found arrival and destination airports but couldn’t find the first airport on the leg that was clearly visible in Navigraph. Some of the lakes were not even in he same position. I’m talking about the online version. Not the onboard EFB.

I don’t think it works (deliberately) for all aircraft like the ones from Microsoft/iniBuilds.

VFR has terrain detail when zoomed in. I don’t think satellite imaging was ever a feature for the planner or for anything in FS2020. Satellite data is used during flight which is well documented here in the forums.

Navigraph has a satellite view. The flight planner has never said it has all the features and functions of Navigraph. It is a good Wishlist item though.

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If lakes are in wrong locations and airports can’t be found, it’s not that useful for me then.

Creating a flight plan is fine,but how about importing it into the MCDU e.g. for all the Airbus Airliners? The EFB only goes to the avionics tablet…but the Autopilot needs it in the FMC, and i don’t want to waste time entering the FP manually into the MCDU…

Note that flight plans names are limited to 40 characters, so you sometimes need to be creative e.g.:

  • US-Nevada Page Muni (KPGA) to Las Vegas (KLAS) won’t be permitted, but
  • US-NV Page Muni KPGA - Las Vegas KLAS is OK.
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Hi, I followed all the instructions, but I didn’t find the saved plan in the simulator. I saved it more times on the web (cloud) and I was correctly logged in with my profile … What happened?

Thank You, I am enjoying the planner. It is a lot quicker and easier than setting up the flt pln in Free Flight. One question/request - Is there any way to save it to PC as a .pln file? If not, please consider making this an option. If a .pln file is saved to PC, then it can be opened in apps like Little Navmap, in which case we can monitor flights and positions relative to waypoints, as well as mountains/topography, on a 2nd screen during flights (even though it will not be directly linked to the flight on XBox X).

In carrer mode the flight plan can not be loaded.